Did you know that Frederick Douglass High School sits on primarily Adena, Hopewell, Osage, Shawnee and Eastern Band Cherokee land? “Native American Heritage month” is celebrated in November each year, serving as a time to recognize and honor the rich history, culture, and contributions of Native Americans and Alaska Natives across the United States; it was officially designated by president George H.W. Bush in 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month” Currently, in the library there is a shelf dedicated to present more information about this topic, showcasing plenty of books in that area.
If you’d like to show your support, then here are 10 ways to be and ally to Indigenous people;
Learn more about the people native to where you live and visit.
Remove harmful stereotypes and indigenous erasure language from your lexicon.
Educate yourself about the structural discrimination towards and intentional elimination of Native tribes.
Support indigenous people as they protect their land from destructive, extractive, practices.
Think twice before claiming Native ancestry.
Diversify your sources of education and entertainment.
Respect the hard earned knowledge and wisdom of indigenous tribes.
Follow and share content from indigenous leaders.
Demand an end to the use of Native Mascots.
Support the call for indigenous sovereignty and Land back.