In Melbourne, Australia lawmakers are deciding on the ban of social media usage in teens under 16. The law would prevent teens under the age of 16 from using most forms of social media like Instagram,TikTok,and Youtube.
The Australian government has gone about banning social media to any children under 16 years of age. No exemptions whatsoever will be allowed for them to use it. Social media apps will require new users to prove their age with documentation such as a license or birth certificate. Though it is still unsure how children who have previously lied about their age that already have an account will get banned but kids who already have an account will still not be able to use social media. In addition many parents are worried about their children’s mental health and safety online. Even with the consent of the parent the kid will still not be able to access any media platform.
Even though the majority of lawmakers are for the new rules there is still opposition against it. Experts on the effect of social media on kids said that the new ruling would be too blunt a law to effectively prevent kids from getting on social media. Other critics also stated that the rule would cause conflict in families and do more harm than good. Furthermore, quite a few people believe that teens are tech savvy enough to get around the rules.
People are worried that this will become a rule in America. Australia is implementing a lot of rules and are pretty strict about it, but it wouldn’t hurt to put stricter rules here in America on the media for teens. Social media has changed the way teens live their lives as most of them are on it all day every day and the hope of them enjoying life how it was before is surely slim.