Bathrooms are being locked all over school during third block. I was angry with this, until I heard the other side. Professional Services Principal, Mr. Harman, explained to me the struggles of an administrator trying to retain order in the school bathrooms, unfortunately locking the bathrooms is the only way.
Mr. Harman explains to me many unfortunate incidents that have happened in the bathrooms during the third block that have led to them getting locked. During third block only the B100, B200, and D100 are open. The administrators in charge of those hallways do sometimes lock them as a mistake which does make it difficult for students to find an open one. It is also very cramped in these bathrooms during third block since everyone who goes in there is only allowed in those three making it more challenging for students who actually need to use them.
Students who lack maturity during school hours have also contributed to the bathrooms getting locked. One student decided to paint the bathroom walls with mustard from the cafeteria, not to mention the students using substances.
While it is difficult to find an open bathroom during third block, I understand why they lock them now. Some students just don’t understand that acting like little children is unacceptable at school and locking the bathrooms is just part of it.