Frederick Douglass’s high school librarians, Mrs. Davis, and Mrs. Reena, work together to decorate the library each month. These creative ideas each month add a unique and interesting change to the library.
Each month, they choose a different theme to decorate the library. They decorate it based on events, or popular things happening worldwide. Mrs. Davis talks about how they form these ideas saying, “At the beginning of the school year Mrs. Reena and I collaborate on ideas throughout the year. For instance, in September we had homecoming, so we knew we wanted to do a homecoming display. Last month was Native American Heritage Month. So if there’s a special event to celebrate that month, then we try to do a theme to put on display.” This describes how they come together and decide what theme they want to do.
This month, they came up with a unique winter theme to celebrate Christmas upcoming. Mrs. Davis explains what they came up with saying, “At the end of every school year Mrs. Reena looks through our circulation history, and if a book hasn’t been checked out in 2 years, then we discard it because we are getting new books in all the time. In the fall our book room is filled with discarded books that we box up and send back to the district, but since we have all these extra books, I decided to make some book houses out of them” Here she is explaining how instead of just getting rid of unused books, they are making use out of them by making houses. She further says, “I decided to make a winter village out on our book display, but I thought it would be fun that would catch students’ eyes.” This shows how they were able to come up with a useful, creative way to draw students into the library.