A long, first semester has officially passed us. Many people left for winter break with amazing grades, average, and much lower, trashy grades. For the people with lower grades, there’s always a second chance to get better and maintain higher grades now in the new semester.
There are many ways you can improve and get the help you need in case of struggling or if you just have no motivation on finishing your work and it ends up piling up. After school tutoring, like ESS, or Saturday school are two ways that could benefit you in the long run and help with your studies here at Frederick Douglass.
At Douglass, Mr. Reed is the ESS coordinator who can help with any other questions you may have. ESS or after school tutoring is every Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 in the B200 hallway. On Wednesdays, English and Social studies is in room B205 and math is in the B200 hub. On Thursdays, Math is again in the B200 hub, and Science is in room B200, while English and Social studies are in B205.
On most Saturdays for Saturday school, it runs from 9am to 12pm. It is also led by the same ESS coordinator. Saturday school will provide help with any subject; Math, Science, English, and Social studies.
Joining these is one of the best ways to start maintaining or improving your grades, it is a great opportunity and can help you succeed in your classes. Take it as an opportunity to be better or to have time away from home to finish your work if it’s not the best working environment for you. Since the new semester has begun, now is the time to achieve good grades and keep up without having so many missing assignments or low assignment/test grades.
Reach out to your teachers or Mr. Reed for any additional questions or concerns. If this interests you don’t hesitate to try it out and ask about it. Having all finished assignments could remove any stress and also could help with any motivation. Getting help for better scores and grades is always beneficial.