Opportunity Middle College is a program at BCTC for sophomores and juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher and ones who also qualify for free reduced lunch. It provides all students, even ones with lower income and ones who are first gen or minority students, a great opportunity to achieve high school and college success at the same time. Students can explore different and various career aspirations and prepare themselves for future careers and college experiences.
Opportunity Middle College allows students to go full-time and for free college hours or at a reduced cost. Students can grow to earn an associates degree or a technical program certificate/diploma while continuing to go to their assigned high school. If you’re interested in real estate you can even get your license from there! You would still be enrolled in your high school and can continue to join in on extra curricular activities, clubs, and prom. Students can also receive dual credit. You would be able to graduate high school like normal with your class while having an associates degree and college hours. Opportunity Middle College also offers transportation and supplies if needed.
I personally think that if you’re willing to attend full time and earn all these kinds of achievements and want the opportunity to learn more about what career you wish to take in the future, this would be a great chance to start it off. This would help benefit not only your job career, but also your college career and is a good head start. Opportunity Middle College is welcoming to all and willing to lift you up to greater success. The staff hosts virtual and in person meetings for more information and to let you see what you’re able to experience.