All State Band Competition. The biggest, most important musical competition for high school students. The all state band competition is hosted by the KMEA, the Kentucky Music Educators Association. It starts with 1200 students who audition which then narrows down to around 200. The first audition is in districts and if you make that you go to the second audition which is next Saturday.
Since such a small percentage of people accepted, being able to play is a huge opportunity. Only 15 percussion students make it and only 6 obo students make it. Last year was the first Frederick Douglass student to make it out of the whole state. Mr Skaggs wife is the associate director of KMEA and she runs the whole event.
All state band competition is a huge opportunity to make lots of lifelong friends that you see again in college band. You get to play very high music and they usually bring in professional conductors or college professors from the best colleges. Mr Skaggs freshman year his conductor was from the Air Force band.
In conclusion, all state band is an opportunity of a lifetime for music students. It connects you to other band students and gives you a place where you can play with some of the best conductors in the nation and only 15% of students make it.
Eden Wilmhoff and Armani Johnson